KWG Resources Inc.
KWG Resources Inc.
KWG is an exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario, including 1,024 hectares covered by four unpatented mining claims approximately 280km north of Nakina, Ontario, which contains the Black Horse chromite deposit (the “Koper Lake Project”) and 1,241 hectares covered by seven unpatented mining claims approximately 280km north of Nakina, Ontario, which contains the Big Daddy chromite deposit (the “Big Daddy Project”). The Corporation is the owner of 100% of the Koper Lake Project (formerly part of Fancamp Exploration Ltd.’s “Koper Lake-McFaulds” properties). Bold Ventures Inc. is carried through exploration of the former Fancamp claims for a 10% interest. The Corporation also has a 30% interest in the Big Daddy Project. Through the Corporation’s subsidiary, Canada Chrome Corporation (“CCC”), KWG has also staked mining claims in Northern Ontario between Aroland, Ontario (near Nakina) and the Ring of Fire. CCC has conducted a surveying and soil testing program to assess the prospects for the engineering and construction of a railroad along that route between the Ring of Fire and Aroland, Ontario. CCC engaged Cormorant Utilities and Rail-Veyor Technologies for Engineering Proposals for the construction of a transportation and utility corridor within the route and has received those proposals. KWG has also acquired intellectual property interests, including a method for the direct reduction of chromite to metalized iron and chrome using natural gas. KWG subsidiary Muketi Metallurgical LP has acquired two chromite-refining patents in Canada and one in each of the USA, South Africa and Kazakhstan, and is prosecuting an application in Turkey.
KWG Resources Inc. (CACR)
Company Info
SEDAR Information
Company Info
2023-0720 - Symbol Change - KWG Resources Inc. (KWG, KWG.A)
le 14 juillet/July 2023
KWG Resources Inc. ("the Issuer"), which carries on business as The Canadian Chrome Company, has announced a symbol change from KWG to CACR.
The legal name of the Issuer has not changed and remains KWG Resources Inc. The securities will begin trading under the new symbols on July 17, 2023.
Disclosure documents are available at